Office/Proposition L.W. "Left Wing" Loony says R.W. "Right Wing" Loony says
President and Vice President Kamala Harris - Tim Walz Seriously? Prosecutor, Senator, Vice President, paragon of integrity, epitome of the American Dream, someone you trust to pick good advisors and make smart decisions. This is too easy. Like good vs. evil. Hope vs. Despair. Democracy vs. Tyranny. Smart vs. idiot. Prosecutor vs. convicted career criminal. Patriot vs. traitor. Defender of human rights for all human beings vs. racist, misogynist, antisemitic, dictator-wannabe insurrectionist, fact vs. fiction, science vs. superstition, cure vs. disease. PutinTrump is the strongman we need. Sure, all the other murderous dictators laugh at him, and not just because of his tiny hands, but what a.... Mere words fail me. But not Our Dear Leader: Unpresidented. Bigly. Covfefe. The Cyber. Nambia. Two Corinthians. Losers and suckers. Good people on both sides. Hitler had some good ideas. Vermin. Poisoning the blood of our country. Mass deportations. The late, great Hannibal Lector. Sharks vs. Electricity. Toilets! Showers! Death to all my enemies! Death to America!
US Senator (Full Term) Adam Schiff Heroic House Impeachment Manager, twice. January 6th: survived and lead investigator. He'll be a good Senator. Steve Garvey Not so good as a taxpayer or a human being, but what a baseball player he was, oh so very long ago. He never was good with money and probably has dementia now that he's staring birthday no. 76 in the face, but he says he voted for Trump twice. And he was the only Republican willing to run against Adam Schiff.
US Senator (Partial/Unexpired Term) Adam Schiff We have to vote separately for who's going to finish the unexpired portion of Diane Feinstein's term. I think this means the winner of this race in November would serve from when the result is certified until Jan. 3, 2025. Steve Garvey
US Representative, 50th Scott Peters Conservative, but his heart's in the right place. I might not agree with him on everything, but he's there on all the most important issues, plus he has really good ideas on how to fix congress. Peter J. Bono Sonny & Cher's long-lost child come home to roost? No candidate statement, but he does have a very strangely formatted website. And the endorsement of all the anti-choice folks.
US Representative, 48th District Stephen Houlahan A registered nurse from Santee. It's about time this district was represented by someone who works to earn a living, who cares about the health and safety and freedom of his fellow citizens, and who actually lives in the district. Darrell Issa People say he used to be an arsonist and a car thief and that he doesn't even live in the district and that he thwarted criminal investigations into gun runners by reading the names of wiretap targets into the congressional record and makes a habit of taking illegal campaign contributions, but, hey, nobody's perfect. Besides, he's the perfect supporter of Our Dear Leader Trump. Who better to advise the Great Donald on how to avoid getting convicted? Oh, and he's the only San Diego congressperson to vote against protecting women's rights to life-saving medical care. He even co-sponsored a bill to ban IVF. That's the kind of courage we need!
US Representative, 49th District Mike Levin What's not to like? Defender of voting, education, the environment, jobs, justice, and our tax dollars. Beloved by all, except radical extremists. Matt Gunderson Send an Orange County used car dealer to Congress! The king of weird ads: spraying people with poison and laughing as they writhed in their death throes. A single 15 second that plays whenever you turn on the TV, trying to fool the womenfolk that he's really on their side, despite endorsements from just about every anti-choice group there is.
State Senator, 39th Dr. Akilah Weber A board-certified OB/GYN. All I can say is, "Wow!" Exactly who we need in these troubled times, when our most basic rights are under relentless attack. Bob Divine Not even a candidate statement. Nobody seems to know anything about him, but that didn't keep him from getting endorsed by the folks who think GOP politicians should make medical decisions for women.
State Assembly, 77th District Tasha Boerner Fourth generation San Diegan; pretty sure we can trust her to protect our environment and our American way of life. ??? No endorsement for anyone from the GOP. There is this guy named James Browne, who's made it to the ballot, and he says he recently became a Republican because we need more leadership than Democrats do. Maybe that's why the GOP declined to endorse him? No candidate statement, no endorsements, no clue as to where he stands on any issues, but he does have a Facebook page and a website. And an interview with a blogger on YouTube with 17 followers. And you can buy his self-published book. I think he just might be the future of the GOP.
County Board of Education, 1st District Gregg Robinson Running unopposed... Church Lady Kids don't need education; they need indoctrination in Biblical values.
Member, Board of Supervisors, District No. 3 Terra Lawson-Remer My favorite Supervisor! Born and raised in San Diego. A true hero from day one: in 1994, took on her high school over the hateful, racist Prop 187. A tireless champion of basic common sense and real, practical solutions to difficult problems, she's been getting things done, on the environment, on homelessness, on public health. Classic case of vote D to go forward, vote R to go in reverse, back to the failed policies of the past. Just like driving a car. Kevin Faulconer Yeah, I know he was an incompetent and corrupt Mayor, but he's a Republican. We Republicans don't believe in competence. And why shouldn't government be for sale to the highest bidder? Did I forget to mention that he's a fervent supporter of Our Dear Leader? He bravely refused to say anything bad about Our Dear Leader after Jan. 6th. Oh, and most of his campaign cash comes from big Trump donors.
Mayor, San Diego Todd Gloria Do you want to keep things going in the right direction or take a chance on driving off a cliff? There's something about Todd's opponent that really bothers me. Like he's holding up a banner that says, "You canNOT trust me." Besides, sounds like the dude can't make up his mind on which party to align himself with. So already I'm questioning his ability to make good choices. Plus, I like to see how people do as City Councilors before they leap to Mayor. ??? My GOP overlords have declined to endorse anyone in this race. I can't understand why, he certainly seems like he'd be one of us. I think he's a stealth GOPer and as soon as he wins, the mask will come off and he'll shutdown every Planned Parenthood Clinic in San Diego. But that's just what my gut tells me.
City Attorney, San Diego Heather Ferbert A worthy successor to Mara Elliot. She'll continue Mara Elliott's great job on taking guns away from perpetrators of domestic violence. I like her idea of creating a 'housing protection unit'. And she's way younger than Maienschein; it's time for him to make way for the next generation, so they can clean up the mess his generation left. ??? Brian Maienschein cowardly betrayed his party by becoming a Democrat in 2019. Otherwise, he'd earn R.W.'s hearty endorsement. He hasn't practiced law in years. He's been around forever. He won a bunch of elections as a GOPer. Great political connections, so we wouldn't have to worry about him being an 'independent' City Attorney.
Prop 2, Bonds for Public Schools YES $10B is a lot of money, but we have a lot of schools (10,413) & community colleges (116), and if we want to keep California great, we need good schools, schools that are the envy of the entire planet, schools that are the gateway to the finest universities ever in the history of the universe. NO No, no, no. We Republicans don't believe in education, unless it's home-schooling using racist materials or segregation academies, like the one Nikki Haley went to. If our schools are dangerous places that might collapse at any time, kids might actually get educated and then they'll be lost to the GOP forever.
Prop 3, Right to Marriage YES REALLY? We're still arguing about this? I get that the GOP hates gays, but the vast majority of Americans don't. It's way past time we removed the stain of Proposition Hate from our constitution. Hate is not a California value. NO Hate might not be a family value for most people, but we're Republicans. Hate is as vital to us as the air we breathe. We want our state constitution to be ready for that wonderful day when SCOTUS outlaws gay marriage.
Prop 4, Bonds for Safe Drinking Water and Wildfire Prevention YES The GOP is now the pro-wildfire, anti-safe drinking water party? I think keeping us from being burned alive or being poisoned by our drinking water is maybe one of the most basic government functions. Global warming is making these two tasks more expensive. If the GOP is opposed to this bond measure, why don't they propose doing something, anything to fight climate change? Oh, I forgot, the GOP doesn't believe in climate change, no matter how many times a hurricane flattens their beachfront mansion because they know the little people will pay for the rebuilding. Besides, Our Dear Leader teaches us that global warming is a hoax cooked up by the Chinese. NO I, for one, am proud to stand on the side of wildfires and poisonous drinking water. As Our Dear Leader has told us time and again: if we'd rake up the leaves (ideally using prison labor), we wouldn't have wildfires. If we all follow the lead of Our Dear Leader and restrict ourselves to Diet Cokes, we wouldn't have to worry about poisonous water. And bathing in Diet Coke is bound to be every bit as safe as drinking bleach.
Prop 5, 55% Needed to Approve Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure YES It's always troubled me that it takes 60% to approve a bond measure. Somehow doesn't seem very democratic to me. I'll grant the maybe there might be some merit to the idea that it shouldn't be too easy to increase our indebtedness, so 55% seems a reasonable compromise. Reasonable GOPers should agree. NO Sorry, L.W., I, as loyal GOPer, I will never support anything that makes it easier to incur public debt, unless it's Republicans that's doing it. You need to understand, bro, there's good debt and there's bad debt. Good debt is what Our Dear Leader incurs. It's all good, because those lenders ain't never getting any of their good money back.
Prop 6, Eliminates Involuntary Servitude, e.g., Chain Gangs YES Yikes. Californians actually have to vote to outlaw slavery??? WTF? NO Without chain gangs, there'd be no Cool Hand Luke, and the world would be in the box. And didn't Our Dear Leader's favorite philosopher teach that work makes you free?
Prop 32, Raises Minimum Wage YES This is another complete no brainer. Minimum wage has failed to keep up with inflation. When you raise the minimum wage, you increase tax revenues and people pay in more to social security and medicare. Raising the minimum wage is simple common sense, straight out of Econ 101. Everybody wins. NO We Republicans have been fighting against any minimum wage since 1938. It's an article of faith to us that rich folks should have complete freedom to exploit people that aren't rich.
Prop 33, Allows Rent Control YES Very simply: allows cities and counties the freedom to decide how to make housing more affordable. I am puzzled that my GOP friends do not support this initiative: I thought they were all about freedom and local control. NO There you go again, L.W., you completely misunderstand how freedom works. The most important freedom the freedom to gouge people. And that freedom is too important to let people vote on it. If you let the people vote on anything they want, we'll have communism! We should be like Texas: no ballot initiatives allowed or recalls neither. Can't be letting voters decide to protect women or recall corrupt GOP officials or legalize marijuana or protect the right to vote or form a union. Just some of the issues that are way too important to let voters or their elected representatives decide.
Prop 34, RX Drug Reform? NO I can't make heads nor tails of this one. I don't think a ballot initiative is required for any of this stuff. Seems like stuff our legislators can handle. I also don't understand the link between bad landlords and RX drug profiteers. I certainly don't want to take a chance and vote for anything that might make it MORE difficult to negotiate drug prices or come up with solutions to make housing more affordable. YES OK, I'll confess: R.W. doesn't understand this initiative either, but the Republican party has endorsed it, so I have to obey.
Prop 35, Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal YES Seriously? Is there actually anyone who thinks we shouldn't fund Medi-Cal? Turns out the Republican Party of San Diego opposes funding Medi-Cal. Who's going to mow their lawns and clean their f**king mansions if all the poor people die? Shows just how out of touch they are when nobody bothered to make any arguments against funding Medi-Cal in the voter information packet. NO My fellow GOPers are afraid of the woke mob that thinks access to healthcare is a human right and that it's our duty to help the less fortunate and that it's not in anyone's interest to let diseases spread unchecked. But not me. I say we need a return to Dickensian values! Tiny Tim didn't need Medi-Cal!
Prop 36, Bring back 3 Strikes? YES 3 strikes is the Boogey Man from Halloween. No matter how many times you stab it through the neck with a knitting needle, it just keeps coming back. It defies common sense. If you care about the scourge on fentanyl, spend more money on treatment and stopping imports and manufacture. If you're upset about organized retail theft, focus on getting the kingpins. This is a sneaky attempt to restart the failed, incredibly wasteful, cruel, racist war on drugs. NO L.W. shame on you. 3 strikes kept us safe by locking elderly criminals away for life for minor offenses and psychological problems. And if only we had chain gangs, all these elderly folks could be earning their keep. OK, probably not enough to pay their medical expenses, but, like most Republicans, I'm not a fan of basic math. Besides, common sense tells you that when you're in a chain gang, you're much less likely to be a successful shoplifter or opioid addict. And I've never understood why it's racist to lock up more black and brown people. Like Our Dear Leader says, they're the ones that commit all the crimes and do all the dangerous drugs.
Measure G, 1/2 cent Sales Tax, County of San Diego YES Yikes, two sales tax increases? Well, do you want to keep storm drain run-off from polluting our precious ocean or flooding neighborhoods? Do you want a rail link to the Airport, finally? Do you want roads & rail lines that don't fall into the ocean? Bridges that don't collapse? If none of these are important to you, then, by all means, vote against this sales tax increase. NO Sorry, bro, I'm a Republican. We don't do taxes, only 'fees'. Of course, just because we don't like taxes, doesn't mean we don't like spending money. Like Our Dear Leader, we can simply go bankrupt when we run out of money and let speculators buy up any of our public assets and screw the hell out of the public, especially idiots who were dumb enough to vote for us.
Measure C, No Pointless School Board Primaries YES Does seem like kind of a waste of money to have a primary election when all the candidates are guaranteed a spot on the November ballot. Who could disagree? Apparently, there are at least 5 or 6 people in San Diego that do, but I can't make heads or tails of their arguments. NO Well, we of the GOP don't believe in elections. We believe the only good election is a pointless one. Besides, pointless elections are a great way for our candidates to raise money.
Measure D, Strengthen the Ethics Commission YES Passed by unanimous vote of the city council. Since it amends the city charter, we all have to vote on it, but, after the presidential and the Senate race, this is the biggest no-brainer on the ballot. Unless you don't like ethics (and I see my brother, R.W. has his Hand raised), there's no reason not to want an Ethics Commission with real teeth. NO My fellow Republicans are too afraid of Big Ethics to speak up. Ever since Our Dear Leader took the presidency, with a little help from his shirtless little buddy on horseback, everybody keeps talking about ethics. I say ethics, smethics. If ethics are so danged important, why aren't they in the bible? An Ethics Commission is a blatant attack on our biblical values!
Measure E, 1 cent Sales Tax, City of San Diego YES Everyone, from the police, to the firefighters, to the lifeguards, to municipal employees, to Coastkeeper (we wouldn't have marine reserves without them) agrees we need the money if we want our city to remain the finest city in the history of the universe. Hell, even the San Diego Middle Class Taxpayers Association agrees. Well, everybody except Larry Turner. NO Well, if you bleeding heart liberals would let us have chain gangs, we'd have free labor to take care of all of all of our city services. OK, maybe people on a chain gang wouldn't make very good lifeguards, but I think they could do everything else. And whenever we need more labor, all we have to do is find more things to criminalize. We have to get tougher on crime: steal a loaf of bread, chain gang for you!
Measure HH, Community College Bonds YES Look, I don't like voting to increase my real estate taxes, but this seems like a sound investment in keeping San Diego America's finest city. Countless studies have shown that every dollar invested in community colleges earns a return of at least 10%/year, a rate of return that continues to increase as the pay gap between the educated and the uneducated increases. NO There you Democrats go again, trying to eliminate the uneducated, the very backbone of the GOP. We're on to your sneaky plan. When we get control, the uneducated will rule! Actually, we'll just let them think they're ruling. It'll be easy, since, after all, they're uneducated.
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